We hope this update finds you safe and well. We are all in it together but our special thanks goes to all of you on the frontline, helping us get through this.
Hockey is very much a secondary thought right now but we want to keep in touch with you all. To keep you informed of updates from the Club and Scottish Hockey and to do what we can to entertain you, help you stay connected and help you maintain your wellbeing.
Please be aware that we are currently supporting all statements released by Scottish Hockey. The most recent of which is that the 2019/20 District league seasons will be cancelled. In practical terms, this means that when we restart next season, all teams will be positioned as they were at the end of the 2018/19 season.
At present we have no information on the outcome of the current season for the National or Regional Leagues or the plans for next season.
Your club remains in a sound financial position. The current situation has impacted our fund raising opportunities but our expenditure on pitches has reduced. We will continue to pay our coaches until the end of the season, despite the lack of hockey, in line with our commitments to them and would like to express thanks to all, for their help to date. With the reduction in the amount of hockey we can offer and with an eye on the financial challenges we all may face, we are considering, and hoping to be able to offer, a discount to next season’s subs. We will put forward our proposal to the AGM, or an EGM, for approval, once we understand the plans for re-starting hockey. To keep things fair to all, we plan to collect in all outstanding subscriptions for this season and offer everyone a discount next season.
We can also confirm that with the current uncertainties we will not be running a summer junior camp this August.
Please stay safe,
Best wishes,
Paul Bowyer, Inverleith Hockey Club President.
And the rest of Club Committee; David, Rosina, Nicola, Thomas, Jonathan and Arnie.
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Discover us on Twitter: @InverleithHC