After our extended break from hockey, we are excited to begin outlining our plans for the new season and a safe return to play and seeing you all again.
Covid-19 has presented us with significant challenges, therefore a strategic return model has been purpose-built to help the hockey community in Scotland return to play.
The phases of this model are:
Phase 1: Home based fitness, tactical and skill work.
Phase 2: Pitch based non-contact training in small groups.
Phase 3: Pitch based full contact training for U18s and modified non-contact training in small groups for O18s.
Phase 4: Hockey can function in what we see as its ‘normal’ manner.
We are in phase 3 of this model. We will advance or revert from this phase in line with Government and Scottish Hockey guidance. Learn about how we will return to play in phase 3 by downloading our guidelines below.
Download our full Phase 3: Return to Play Guidelines
When will Inverleith return to playing?
Due to their league start dates, the Ladies and Men’s First Teams will return to training in smaller groups, with maximum player numbers and highly modified session design to conform with regulations.
No other teams or groups will return to training in August. Decision to be made on wider club return on 24th August, after scheduled Scottish Government announcement and predicted advancement into Phase 4.
Full adult club training resumes, pending the progression into Phase 4.
Commencement of national league seasons, pending the progression into Phase 4.
Full youth training resumes, pending staying in Phase 3 or the progression into Phase 4.
Adult regional leagues and youth competition starts, pending the progression into Phase 4.
No information available to forecast the start of the indoor seasons.
When can I sign up for the season?
Registrations for the new season will be opened to you as soon as possible. As part of this process announcements on key details for the new season such as training nights and subscription fees will be released. We are considering, and hoping to be able to offer once approved at an AGM, a discount to next season’s subs, in light of money saved due to the early cancellation of last season. We are also hoping to change our schedule of adult training nights.
Given recent league restructuring, what leagues will our teams be in?
For season 2020/21:
Men’s 1s: Our Men’s 1s have been promoted to the Men’s Premiership
Men’s 2s: Our Men’s 2s will remain in Men’s Regional League 1
Men’s 3s: Our Men’s 3s will remain in Men’s East District Division 1
Men’s 4s: Our Men’s 4s will remain in Men’s East District Division 4
Ladies 1s: Our Ladies 1s will remain in the Women’s National Division 2
Ladies 2s: Our Ladies 2s will remain in East District Ladies Premier Division
Ladies 3s: Our Ladies 3s will remain in East District Ladies Division 3
All Youth and Social hockey groups remain in the same leagues, as it stands.
Download Scottish Hockey’s 2020/21 Competitions Proposal here
Looking forward to seeing you soon, we hope this release finds you happy and healthy.
Paul Bowyer, Inverleith Hockey Club President.
And the rest of Club Committee; David, Rosina, Nicola, Thomas, Jonathan and Arnie.